What’s Chiropractic All About?
Chiropractic literally means, “Done by Hand” and has existed since ancient times. Chiropractic focuses on the restoration of normal motion and alignment to the spine, and extremities. When normal motion is restored, the body’s natural healing mechanisms can let the body function properly. Better structure and better motion leads to better function. Using the chiropractic adjustment as the primary tool for restoring normal function, the nature of chiropractic focuses on an approach to health through prevention, as well as a cause of symptoms, instead of only focusing on them. Chiropractors also consider the human body as a whole, integrated system. This is where the holistic or “wholistic” term applies.
Chiropractors are also known as a Doctor of Chiropractic or a Chiropractic Physician and practice a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care. A visit to the chiropractor includes an examination/evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment related to chiropractic. We do not offer to treat or diagnose medical diseases. Our focus is on problems with musculoskeletal and nervous system, and the effects these problems have on general health and mobility. Most often, chiropractic care is used to treat neuro-muscular-skeletal complaints, but not limited to back pain, neck pain, disc issues, sciatica, pain in the joints of the hands, arms, feet or legs, rib pain, jawbone disfunction (TMJ), migraines and headaches. When issues arise outside the scope of chiropractic, we will immediately refer to the appropriate physicians or order diagnostic tests necessary.

The chiropractic adjustment, or also referred as chiropractic manipulation, focuses on the correction of a vertebral subluxation, usually done by hand. Some chiropractors may employ tools, instruments or other techniques for this correction. According to the World Health Organization, a vertebral subluxation is, “A lesion or dysfunction in a joint or motion segment in which alignment, movement integrity and/or physiological function are altered, although contact between joint surfaces remains intact. It is essentially a functional entity, which may influence biomechanical and neural integrity.”
Please don’t hesitate to speak with Dr. Goodman about any questions, concerns or curiosities about chiropractic.